
Articles in proceedings of peer-reviewed conferences
- Tim Faverjon, Ramaciotti, P. (2023). Discovering ideological structures in representation learning spaces in recommender systems on social media data. 2023 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM).
- Sara Luxmoore, Cardoso-Silva, J., Ramaciotti, P. (2023). Emoji, Language Games and Political Polarisation. Fourth Conference on Computational Humanities Research.
- Pedro Ramaciotti Morales, Manon Berriche, and Jean-Philippe Cointet (2023).The geometry of misinformation: embedding twitter networks of users who spread fake news in geometrical opinion spaces. In International Conference on Web and Social Media ICWSM. AAAI (accepted, to be publised) [article]
- Pedro Ramaciotti Morales, & Vagena, Z. (2022). Embedding social graphs from multiple national settings in common empirical opinion spaces. In 2022 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining [article]
- Pedro Ramaciotti Morales (2022). Multidimensional online american politics: Mining emergent social cleavages in social graphs. In The 11th International Conference on Complex Networks and their Applications (accepted, to be published) [article]
- Pedro Ramaciotti Morales and Gabriel Muñoz Zolotoochin (2022).Measuring the accuracy of social network ideological embeddings using language models. In International Conference on Information Technology & Sys- tems, pages 267–276. Springer [article]
- Pedro Ramaciotti Morales and Jean-Philippe Cointet (2021). Auditing the effect of social network recom- mendations on polarization in geometrical ideological spaces. In Fifteenth ACM Conference on Recommender Systems, pages 627–632. [article]
- Ramaciotti Morales, P., Jean-Philippe Cointet, and Muñoz Gabriel Zolotoochin (2021). Unfolding the dimensionality structure of social networks in ideological embeddings. In Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining, pages 333–338.[article]
- Pedro Ramaciotti Morales, Cointet Jean-Philippe, and Julio Laborde (2020). Your most telling friends: Prop- agating latent ideological features on twitter using neighborhood coherence. In 2020 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM 2020). IEEE/ACM [article]
- Pedro Ramaciotti Morales, Lionel Tabourier, and R. Fournier-S’niehotta (2020b). Testing the impact of seman- tics and structure on recommendation accuracy and diversity. In 2020 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM 2020). IEEE/ACM [article]
- Pedro Ramaciotti Morales, Lionel Tabourier, Sylvain Ung, and Christophe Prieur (2019). Role of the website structure in the diversity of browsing behaviors. In Proceedings of the 30th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media, pages 133–142. ACM [article]
- Pedro Ramaciotti, Mario Duran, and Ricardo Hein (2015). Subsurface reflectivity reconstruction schemas for a holographic airborne gpr using surface geometry data. In 2015 8th International Workshop on Advanced Ground Penetrating Radar (IWAGPR), pages 1–4. IEEE[article]
Articles published in peer-reviewed journals
- Ramaciotti Morales, P., Cointet, J. P., Zolotoochin, G. M., Peralta, A. F., Iñiguez, G., & Pournaki, A. (2022). Inferring Attitudinal Spaces in Social Networks. Social Network Analysis and Mining. [article]
- Omer Faruk Metin & Ramaciotti Morales, P. (2022). Tweeting apart: Democratic backsliding, new party cleavage and changing media ownership in Turkey. Party Politics. [article]
- Pedro Ramaciotti Morales, Jean-Philippe Cointet, and Caterina Froio (2022). Posters and protesters: The networked interplay between onsite participation and facebook activity in the yellow vests movement in france. Journal of Computational Social Science, pages 1–29. [article]
- Pedro Ramaciotti Morales, Jean-Philippe Cointet, Bilel Benbouzid, Dominique Cardon, Caterina Froio, Omer Faruk Metin, Benjamin Ooghe, and Guillaume Plique (2021). Atlas multi-plateformes d’un mouvement social: Le cas des gilets jaunes. Statistique et Société, 9(1-2):39–77. [article]
- Jean-Philippe Cointet, Pedro Ramaciotti Morales, Dominique Cardon, Caterina Froio, Andrei Mogoutov, Ben- jamin Ooghe, and Guillaume Plique (2021). De quelle (s) couleur (s) sont les gilets jaunes? plonger des posts facebook dans un espace idéologique latent. Statistique et Société, 9(1-2):79–107. [article]
- Pedro Ramaciotti Morales, Robin Lamarche-Perrin, Raphaël Fournier-S’Niehotta, Rémy Poulain, Lionel Tabourier, and Fabien Tarissan (2021). Measuring diversity in heterogeneous information networks. Theoretical Com- puter Science, 859:80–115. [article]
- Pedro Ramaciotti and Jean-Claude Nédélec (2017). About some boundary integral operators on the unit disk related to the laplace equation. SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 55(4):1892–1914 [article]
- Escarate, P., R. Hein, M. Duran, and P. Ramaciotti. “X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy for accurate copper estimation.” Minerals Engineering 71 (2015): 13-15. [article]
- Pérez-Arancibia, Carlos, Pedro Ramaciotti, Ricardo Hein, and Mario Durán. “Fast multipole boundary element method for the Laplace equation in a locally perturbed half-plane with a Robin boundary condition.” Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering 233 (2012): 152-163. [article]
- Toro, Mario Manuel Duran, Ricardo Oliver Hein Hoering, Pedro Ramaciotti Morales, and Pedro Antonio Escárate Monetta. “Method and system for in situ, continuous and real-time analysis of mineral content in drilling debris.” U.S. Patent 9,394,786, issued July 19, 2016. [PatentDocs]
Short articles accepted for peer-reviewed conferences
- Antonio Fernandez Peralta, Pedro Ramaciotti Morales, Janos Kertesz and Gerardo Iñiguez (2022). Empirically grounded opinion models uncover online political polarization in France. Conference on Complex Systems 2022 (CCS22).
- Ramaciotti Morales, Pedro and Cointet, Jean-Philippe (2021). Online Social Movements Dynamics in Ideolog- ical Spaces. 7th International Conference on Computational Social Science (IC2S2 2021). [article]
- Cointet, Jean-Philippe, Cardon, Dominique, Mogoutov,Andrei, Ooghe-Tabanou, Benjamin, Plique, Guillaume and Ramaciotti Morales, Pedro (2021). Uncovering the structure of the French media ecosystem. 7th Interna- tional Conference on Computational Social Science (IC2S2 2021). [article]
- Ramaciotti Morales, Pedro, Benbouzid, Bilel, Gauthier, Emma, Perrier, Alexis. The Effects of Disaggregated Factors of YouTube Recommendations in Diversity. 6th International Conference on Computational Social Science (IC2S2 2020). [article]
- Bilel Benbouzid, Pedro Ramaciotti Morales, and Emma Gauthier. Cartographier la sphère médiatique et politique sur YouTube en France. Service d’Information du Gouvernement, France. December 2019.
- Ramaciotti Morales, Pedro and Sedunova, Alisa. “Hierarchical graph-segmentation of geo- metries for a linear- complexity solver for electromagnetic heating.” Centre de Mathématiques Appliquées (CMAP), École Polytechnique, Université Paris-Saclay, 2013. [report]
- Pedro Ramaciotti Morales. “Characterization of the electromagnetic response of gpr systems using boundary integral equations and boundary elements methods”. Engineering Department, P. Universidad Católica de Chile, 2009. Project Anillo ADI-30 CONICYT, Chilean National Commission for Scientific and Technological Research. [report]
- Ramaciotti Morales, Pedro. “Theoretical and numerical aspects of wave propagation phenomena in complex domains and applications to remote sensing .” Doctoral Thesis, 2016. Centre de Mathématiques Appliquées (CMAP). École Polytechnique, Université Paris-Saclay. Advisor: Jean-Claude Nédélec. [thesis] [HAL site]
- Ramaciotti Morales, Pedro. “On The Hierarchical Matrices, Cross-Approximations, And Other Graph-Based Fast Methods For Linear Algorithmic and Memory Complexity For The Boundary Elements Method.” Master’s Thesis, 2013. Centre de Mathématiques Appliquées (CMAP). École Polytechnique, Université Paris-Saclay. Advisor: Jean-Claude Nédélec. [thesis]